In Super Mario World, when Yoshi eats two pink berries in the same stage, a cloud resembling Lakitu's Cloud appears and drops ten striped smiley-faced coins, giving a 1-Up Mushroom if all of them are collected. Similar cloud characters and items have appeared throughout the Super Mario franchise. In the latter, Lakitu and Mario are able to control rain, thunder, sun, typhoons, and snow with levers on the cloud. Super Show!, and Super Mario Bros.: Peach-hime Kyūshutsu Dai Sakusen!, all Lakitus are portrayed without faces on their clouds, but in Super Mario 64, there is an unused texture for a face for Lakitu's Cloud left in the game's data. In the Paper Mario series, the clouds share the expressions of their owners additionally, some Lakitu's Clouds in the Paper Mario series wear sunglasses. 3, Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, and Paper Mario Lakitu's Clouds from left to right: Super Mario Bros. Lakipeas, the Beanbean Kingdom equivalent of Lakitus, have vines covering their clouds. King Lakitu from Super Mario Galaxy 2, another lightning-firing Lakitu, has a purple cloud.
also has a dark gray cloud with glaring, yellow eyes, capable of firing lightning bolts.
However, in Paper Mario, Lakilulu has a pink-colored cloud additionally, Dark Lakitus from Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door have gray clouds. 2.3 Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island.